Professional Services:

Business Development:

Pursuing the right opportunities for growth and development of the business is crucial to its success. Identifying and analysing those opportunities is where Sachin lends a hand to your business. With due diligence, he recognizes where the scope lies and guides your business on the winning path. He helps identify prospective clients for your business and how to approach a business relationship with them. Business development goes hand in hand with sales and with insight into how to get effective lead generation Sachin helps your team achieve the success necessary to bag the crème-of-the-top clients. He has led companies from ground zero to crores, and that is the reason you need to reach out to him for your business development.

Business Strategy:

Drawing out an optimized business strategy is one of the keys to success, as the business vision, mission and goals will have to be set. Sachin can deduce the apt strategic path with a SWOT analysis and identify the key markers of success. He can help select potential clients in your potential consumer market and expand your business horizons more. His repertoire boasts of many Fortune 500 companies as well as budding start-ups, in fields such as Fintech, Crypto Currency, etc. Some of his esteemed clients are : Sonata software, Quest Global, Desigual, Dr. Vaidya’s, S&P, Vinsys, Metricfox, Indospace, Netcore, Inzpera, Swiggy, Fourrts, Ashv finance, Kotak.

From identifying what the competitors offer in the market, proactively seeking more opportunities to expand your business to innovating ways to network and identifying what would ensure the loyalty of your clients, Sachin mentors you on everything to ensure the right strategies are chosen.

Aligning the entire organization with the chosen business strategy is crucial for achieving success as it ensures that every department and individual works towards the same goal in mind. This leads to effective decision-making collectively. This alignment also helps avoid conflicts and brings in maximizing productivity. Reach out to Sachin for advice on what the best course of action is for your business.

Brand Development:

Strengthening and creating a magnetic aura for your brand pulls in more clients. Sachin, with his history of helping build business empires from scratch, can help put your brand on the map. Building on your brand visibility across various mediums and markets, he can ensure that your reputation grows immensely. Aligning the business strategy to implement brand building and positioning, researching and identifying the target client group, developing your branding strategy, your website and social media pages along with the blueprint for all the content creation – Sachin will be your guide along all these steps.

Email Marketing:

Sachin began his journey before the digitalization of the world; hence he is super well-versed in all the old-school methods of marketing which can still be used in today’s world. Having experienced telemarketing and email marketing, he can share his first-hand experience. He is aware of what are the dos and don’ts to increase the reach of your marketing emails.

He can help with designing the right email templates according to your business and catering to all your clientele, guide you through B2B and B2C email marketing, geo targeted email lists, and how to use all these to your business’ advantage.

Digital Marketing:

With digital marketing comes an everlasting focus on data. Understanding your target audience is a must when you are marketing your business. And for that, data is pivotal. Sachin can help identify the major points to use in your digital marketing quest and how to use the data that you have to boost your business.

Establishing your brand and gaining followers, identifying which niche to follow in your digital marketing journey, the kind of campaigns that would grab the attention of your potential clients, positioning the business as one of the leaders, increasing your revenue multifold and ensuring long running business sustainability – Sachin offers his invaluable guidance on all of them to help your business through its digital marketing path.

Lead Generation:

Generating positive interest and awareness about your new product or service in order to get sales leads is what lead generation is all about. It is crucial to target prospects who can turn into your future consumers. The right lead generation allows you to pick up more traffic. Organic lead generation ensures that all your efforts pay well. Sachin knows the industrial tricks that can turn that initial spark of interest into a sure-shot sale for your business.

Public relations (PR):

Public relations (PR) is solely about managing the reputation and outlook of your company to clients, stakeholders and the public. Good PR can turn the tides in your business’ favor by putting a positive spin on all the ventures of your business. Maintaining a good reputation online on social media and search engines also paves the way to ensuring the success of your business. Maintaining the integrity and security of the site and social media pages also comes into play here. Sachin will help create positive PR for your company from all the knowledge he has gleaned from his career.

Content Creation:

Be it website content, search engine optimized content, content for email marketing, content for the various social media platforms, blogs, videos, podcasts, promotional content, business presentations, and seminar/webinar content, Sachin can be the merited counsel you need. Creating content that creates waves in the right manner is what would put your business at the front of the race line.

Translation Services:

Providing content in different languages is also a specialty of Sachin’s. With over 122 major languages in India, creating content localized for the regions is important here. Not everyone is well versed in reading English, hence in India translation of content is taken seriously by many businesses to expand their business reach. Sachin can help localize your content according to your geo-specific target audience and grow your business throughout the country.

Account Management:

Procuring and managing your clientele, and cultivating a fruitful relationship with them is how you can push your business forward. Thus, account management comes into play as another key to succeeding in your business. Sachin, who has handled clients from across the globe during his career span, can share his insights into account management and development.

Customer Service:

Account management goes hand-in-hand with customer service. Good credentials from past customers can boost your reputation and get you future customers. Maintaining good customer service pre-sales and after-sales is essential to maintaining the reputation of your business and the goodwill of your clients. Sachin can help you navigate customer service to the best advantage of your business success.